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  There are dates available in August and September.

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Grass to Grill: Estate Tour

Join us in experiencing an organic farm estate tour by tractor ride, rounding off with a seasonal BBQ dinner back at Bowhouse.

+ 1 more date
4:00pm ‐ 7:00pm
St Monans, East Neuk, Anstruther, KY10 2DB


This event is designed to tell the Balcaskie Estate birth to block story in an immersive and interactive way.

Our tractor-trailer ride which will take you round the estate to visit our livestock, crops and wildlife habitats.

  • May 3rd - New Life
  • June 7th - Growing
  • July 5th - Wildlife and Biodiversity
  • August 2nd - Forestry and Creating Habitats
  • September 6th - Harvest Time

Everyone will then be returned to Bowhouse for a BBQ dinner, with seasonal produce from the food & drink businesses based on site, including our very own Butchery.

You will have the chance to chat to the Balcaskie Team who will be happy to answer any of your burning questions about our work.

Please get in touch if you have any issues with accessibility prior to booking tickets.

NOTE: Ticket includes food from the BBQ and 1 beer/soft drink per person. Additional drinks can be purchased.

Bowhouse An event by Bowhouse


Bowhouse, St Monans, East Neuk, Anstruther, KY10 2DB

Discover more from Bowhouse

1 Date Sold Out
Spoon Carving Day Class
20 Apr 2024
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Spoon Carving Day Class
The Courtyard Classroom, St Monans
Saturday 20 April 2024

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