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Cum Farm Cabaret

Queer Cabaret raising money for Ash's gender affirming healthcare, featuring music, comedy, and drag.

7:30pm ‐ 10:30pm
Wharf Chambers
22-25 Wharf Street, Leeds, LS2 7EQ


Featuring some of your favourite performers from across the Leeds and Manchester queer nightlife scene, prepare yourself for a hell of a night, all for a good cause! There will also be a juicy raffle with all sorts of fun prizes to get your mitts on.

Ash is a tireless organiser for her queer and particularly trans communities, and all round a deeply selfless angel, so it means a lot to be able to put this event on for her and give something back!

We know times are tough right now so tickets are on a sliding scale to pay as much as you feel you are able. That said, if you have a rich aunt or sugar daddy, do please bring them along or bop them a link to our fundraiser xox

The venue is fully wheelchair accessible and there will be an identified safer spaces officer present, please also familiarise yourself with Wharf's safer spaces policy beforehand. As Wharf Chambers is a co-operative you will need to be a member or a guest of a member to attend, membership costs just £2 and can be bought on the night.

Cum Farm Cabaret An event by Cum Farm Cabaret

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