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Thu 9 May 8:00pm ‐ 8:45pm
General Admission
£13.14 each
£12.00 + £1.14 booking fee
£11.02 each
£10.00 + £1.02 booking fee
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Belonging by Cikada Circus

An immersive acrobatic performance exploring the theme of Belonging through physicality, visual and aural stimuli, making audiences contemplate their connection to one another, a place, the natural world and more.

8:00pm ‐ 8:45pm
23 - 25 Gordon Street, Belfast, BT1 2LG


Belonging is an abstract acrobatic performance piece originally crafted in 2022 as a response to a collection of artworks of the same theme. The performers use a piece of stretch fabric as a medium to create fluid sculptures and abstract shapes, acting as a platform to explore physical and metaphorical expressions of what it is to belong: to one another, to a place, to the natural world, or a feeling of simply not belonging.

In this extended and immersive version, adapted especially for Festival of Fools, the acrobats invite audience members to contemplate our connections to the natural world, to one another, and to the planet as a unified entity.

The original Belonging performance was directed by Alain Servant, commissioned by the Belonging exhibition of works from the EIB Art collection - Limerick, and the creation was supported by Art Council Ireland and Nenagh Arts Centre.

Festival of Fools An event by Festival of Fools

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