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Klak - It's a boule bar

Welcome to the boule of hard knocks...

+ 15 more dates
Various times per date
Margate Leisure Centre
66 Edgar Road, Margate, CT9 2EQ


Klak noun the sound of a steel boule striking another to seal the win

Boule? Check.
17 tonnes of Gravel (ours not yours)? Check.
Awesome hosts? Check.

Welcome to Klak the home of Urban Petanque, a civilised setting for savage competition!

Originating from a small town near Marseilles Petanque is a VERY addictive game. It's played with a steel boule on a piste (pitch) of manicured gravel. The object of the game is to get your boule as close to the Cachonnet (or jack if you prefer) as possible.

Our pistes are all yours for your session and all equipment is provided. Our wonderfully friendly hosts will be on hand throughout to get you started and advise you on how to play. We'll also be on hand to help settle any scoring disputes...

Whether your aim is to surround the jack from the get-go
or if your style means biding your time until the last throw
Go for the GLORY!

PERFECT for friends and family to play. You can even enjoy a refreshing drink whilst staring your competitors down ;) (we recommend a Pastis!)

Klak... Have you got the Boule for it?


Who can play? Anyone and everyone

How many can play? 2-6 people per pitch

How long does it last? - Our sessions last for 60 minutes

Can we have the pitch to ourselves? - Yes! Once you have purchased your tickets the pitch will be entirely reserved for the lead booker and the tickets purchased. Therefore if you wish to add any more tickets for the same pitch they must be added by the lead booker as only they will have access to that pitch.

What if it rains/snows (does it snow anymore?)? - Don't worry our pistes are INSIDE the marvellous Margate Leisure Centre

What if there are more than 6 of us? Well, we have to keep the numbers even so everyone can play the game (sorry odds!) BUT you're welcome to book the next lane over, just let us know.

Klak An event by Klak


Margate Leisure Centre, 66 Edgar Road, Margate, CT9 2EQ

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