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Medicine by Enda Walsh (without captions)

Medicine is a new play by Enda Walsh featuring a sensational cast; Clare Barrett, Aoife Duffin and Domhnall Gleeson.

12:00am ‐ 11:55pm
Black Box Theatre


Read our FAQs on how to watch Medicine online.

For queries about your ticket or technical queries please email Citizen Ticket here.

Download the show programme here and read more about the show here.

A captioned version of the show can be purchased here.


✭✭✭✭✭ ’superb production … a magnificent cast’
The Scotsman

✭✭✭✭✭ ‘pitch-perfect, hilarious ... Domhnall Gleeson is outstanding’
The Observer

✭✭✭✭✭ ’this year’s flagship play’
The Telegraph

MEDICINE by Enda Walsh
starring Clare Barrett, Aoife Duffin and Domhnall Gleeson
with drummer Seán Carpio

The reviews are describing Medicine as ‘a superb production’ with ‘a magnificent cast’ and ‘an astounding soundtrack’. Watch it streamed or on demand from 15 - 26 September.

John Kane sits on a hospital trolley. Very shortly, a giant lobster, two women called Mary, a very old man and a jazz percussionist arrive. Then everything will start. Medicine is a devastatingly funny and moving meditation on how, for decades, we have treated those we call 'mentally ill'.

Running Time | 90 minutes (no interval)
Age Suitability | Ages 16+

Medicine will be streamed from Galway International Arts Festival from 15-18 September.

Medicine is available to watch on demand worldwide (excl. US and Canada*) from Sunday 19 Sept - Sunday 26 Sept. It will end at midnight on Sunday 26 September.

For any other queries, please email

*Please note that viewers in the US and Canada will be able to watch the show online in November and December when it's broadcast from St. Ann's Warehouse in New York. Full details here .

Landmark Productions and Galway International Arts Festival An event by Landmark Productions and Galway International Arts Festival

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