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  There are dates available in August and September.

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90 minutes of Broadway, West End and Opera Classics in this 5 star hit!

+ 5 more dates
7:30pm ‐ 9:00pm
(various times per date)
The Stage Door Theatre
150-151 Drury Lane, Covent Garden, London, WC2E 9LB


Join opera and musical theatre singer, Olivia Ruggiero, for an hour of Broadway belts, West End wonders, opera classics and those earworms that you know and love from shows including Les Miserables, Phantom of the Opera, Jesus Christ Superstar, and many more! A show for musical lovers and Broadway novices alike, Broadway Diva is a five-star hit!

Stage Door Theatre An event by Stage Door Theatre


The Stage Door Theatre, 150-151 Drury Lane, Covent Garden, London, WC2E 9LB

Discover more from Stage Door Theatre

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