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How do I exchange a customer’s tickets to a different time slot?

Providing flexibility to exchange tickets to different time slots is an important capability for delivering a convenient attendee experience. Our platform makes it easy for organisers to handle customer ticket exchanges through a simple process.

This guide outlines the step-by-step workflow for locating a customer's original order, identifying exchangeable tickets and available inventory to processing the exchange.

To exchange a customer’s tickets to a different time slot, firstly make sure your event has the “Timeslots exchangeable” checkbox selected in “Time slots” (click the guide - Dates - How do I use the “Time slots” power settings? on how to action this).

  1. Click on "Customers" in the left menu.
  2. In the search bar you can use the following tags:


  • Name (Type Name)
  • First Name (Type Name)
  • Last Name (Type Name)
  • Full Name (Type Name)


  • Is
  • Starts With
  • Ends With


  • Is (Then Select Event from pre populated list)
  • Is not one of (Then Select Event from pre populated list)


  • Before (dd/mm/yyyy)
  • After (dd/mm/yyyy)
  • On (dd/mm/yyyy)

  1. Click the blue “Search” button.
  2. The customer with that name will appear in the list
  3. Click the blue “View” button
  4. Note: The last customers checked will appear in the list
  5. The next screen will present you with several tabs on the left hand side of the screen:




Ticket Answers



To carry out an exchange, you will use the Purchases Tab.

Purchases Tab

Under this tab, you will see an up to date list of your customers' purchase history for your events. You can see the following details here:

  • Sale / Date / Time: Sales Reference - This is the specific Order ID and is very useful for Citizen Ticket Staff. By Clicking on the blue Sales Reference, the order purchase will open up more information
  • Event: The event name
  • Ticket Type: Which Ticket type they bought e.g Child / Adult and how many (x1, x2, x3, x4)
  • Price
  • Status (Active, Returned, Refunded, Transferred)
    • Active: Ticket currently active in customers wallet
    • Refunded: Ticket has been refunded
    • Returned: Ticket has been returned to allocation only
    • Transferred: Customer has transferred the ticket to someone else
  • Blue Actions button - You can use this button to show a drop down:
    • Refund: Will redirect you to the refund tab
    • Exchange: Will redirect you to the Exchanges tab

Sale / Date / Time: Sales Reference - By Clicking on the blue Sales Reference, the order purchase will open up more information such as:


  • Type of Purchase e.g Website Purchase or Box office
  • Reference (same as Sales Reference)
  • Date and time of purchase
  • Discount Code if used
  • Amount paid by customer inc. Booking Fees
  • Amount refunded
  • Earnings in Platform

Customer Info

  • Name
  • Email
  • Area
  • Other Purchases


  • Ticket breakdown
  • Quantity per ticket
  • Value
  • Action Box (For returning or refunding)

Tickets: Exchange:

If your event has other dates / time slots you can exchange the ticket for your customer via this tab.

Exchangeable tickets in this sale

Exchangeable up to “DD/MM/YYYY” HH:MM

  1. Click the blue button “Find eligible dates”
  2. Click the preferred date you want to exchange the ticket into
  3. Use the numbers arrow to select how many tickets you want to exchange
  4. If there are not enough tickets in the sale, you will see: You don't have enough exchangeable tickets for the selection made
  5. Click Exchange Tickets - the next page will update and let you know if the tickets have been successfully changed. When exchanged, a new wallet will automatically be sent to the customer.

Requested Refund

This tab shows refund requests from your customer.

Returning to Allocation

  • On the Action button, select Refund in the dropdown.
  • You will be redirected to the Tickets: Return & Refund tab.
  • Select the checkboxes next to the tickets you wish to carry out the action on and select the “Return to allocation“ checkbox at the bottom of the table.
  • Click Process. This will return the ticket back to allocation for resale.

Returning to Allocation & Refunding

  • On the Action button, select Refund in the dropdown.
  • You will be redirected to the Tickets: Return & Refund tab.
  • Select the checkboxes next to the tickets you wish to carry out the action on and select the  “Return to allocation“ and “Refund” checkboxes at the bottom of the table.
  • When you’re satisfied with your selection click “Process”.

Please Note: If a customer has transferred a ticket or tickets to another person then applied for a refund, you will see a warning message on the refund application to let you know that the ticket(s) is / are not in the purchaser's account. This means you can refund the ticket but you cannot return it to allocation. The ticket will become invalid and cannot be used.

The returned tickets will be added back to the total capacity of the event and if refunded, the tickets will be added to the refund pending queue (processed by our finance team).

If you have only returned a ticket and still wish to refund it, please select the ticket > refund and process it.

See this article for more information: How do I approve or deny refund requests?

View Exchanges

If you go back to the main menu with the following tabs (Overview, Purchases, Exchanges, Ticket Answers, Transfers, Waivers)  you can click on “Exchanges” to view if a customer has exchanged their ticket from one date to another.

Here you can view the following:

  • Event Name
  • Ticket Type and amount (x1, x 2, x 3, x 4)
  • Sale Reference
  • The original date / time they had a ticket for
  • The date and time that they changed the ticket
  • The new date / time that the customer has chosen.

Important Note: When a Sales Reference has x 2 or more tickets on it and you carry out an action on one ticket, the Sales Reference will split out into two or more lines on the Purchases List so that the status per ticket is clear.

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