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How do I schedule a date to publish my event?

This feature gives event organisers the flexibility to either publish their event immediately or schedule the publishing for a future date and time. This allows coordinating the event launch strategically as part of promotional plans. Once scheduled, the system will automatically publish the event details and make tickets available for purchase at the predetermined date and time.

  1. Within your event dashboard, click the blue “Publish Event” on the top right hand corner.
  2. On the drop down menu click “Publish Now” or “Schedule Publish”.
  3. For the option “Publish Now”:
    1. You will be prompted to confirm you have read the terms and conditions.
    2. Click Publish Event
  1. For the option “Schedule Publish”:
    1. Select the empty box called “Select schedule date & time”
    2. Click the small clock icon under the calendar
    3. Click AM to change to PM. Click again to change back to PM
    4. Click the calendar icon, to select which date you want to publish
    5. Click “Continue”
    6. You will be prompted to confirm you have read the terms and conditions.
    7. Click “Schedule Publish”.

On the top right, it will say for example; Publish scheduled: 02/09/2022 at 7:30 pm or it will be already published if you chose “Publish Now”.

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