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Tickets - How do I create a live stream ticket type?

To sell access to your live streamed event, you'll need to create dedicated ticket types with the livestream option enabled. With these livestream and watch again ticketing options, you can monetize virtual attendance and ensure only paid ticket holders can access your live online content.

  1. Click on the “Events” button on the left hand main panel.
  2. Select the Dashboard of the event you want to edit.
  3. Click “Setup”.
  4. Click “Tickets”.
  5. Choose your preferred option for ticket management (“Basic” or “Automatic”).
  6. Click either “Add ticket type” or “Set & add ticket type” under your choice.
  7. Then add you live stream details;
    1. Title
    2. Price (£)
    3. Quantity Available
  1. Then select the checkbox under “Livestream Access”: Access & Watch the Livestream during the broadcast.
  2. Click “Add Ticket” and your ticket will appear in your “Tickets” dashboard.

Note - Live stream access and watch again access cannot be given for free tickets (please see: Tickets - Can I create a free live stream ticket? for alternatives to this).

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