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Email Centre - How do I send my attendees important event information/event marketing newsletters?

The Email Centre allows you to create and send emails to your event attendees. First, build an "Audience" list by filtering ticket purchasers based on criteria like event, date, ticket type etc. Then create your email using one of the template options like Basic, Hero or Columns layout. Design the email content, set the send timing, and choose your Audience. Preview the email, then activate it to send out to your selected recipients. Sent emails can be viewed and edited from the appropriate tabs in the Email Centre.

  1. Click on the “Email Centre” button on the left hand panel.
  2. Click “Emails & Newsletters”.
  3. Create an “Audience”:
  4. Click “Audience” to create a new dynamic list of attendees based on the following filters;

Event Genre

Town / City



Event Date

Ticket Type

Ticket Purchased

NOTE: Important - add 'Ticket Purchased' 'Equals' 'True' to filter your audience to ticket purchasers.NOTE: - Subscribers are potential customers & ticket purchasers who have signed up for marketing emails.

  1. Once you have selected the correct filters, click “Save Audience”. If you wish to save and start creating your email click “Save and create email”.
  2. By default, an audience is made when an event is created using the filters “Event Date” and “Ticket Purchased".
  3. Create an Email - To create an email select “Create Email” from the email centre and choose from the following email templates;





  1. To edit the text block, hover over it and select from the following options;
    1. Move - reorder the order of the text block in the email.
    2. Edit - editing the text in the block and tags .
    3. Add block - add a picture, new paragraph, heading, divider, button, spacer.
    4. Column-ise - add a new column with a picture or new text.

  1. If you need to add a block click “+ Add Block” and select out of the following;







  1. Select the email purpose (Marketing or Important Information) and add your subject line, reply to address and schedule send date and time of the email.
    1. To preview the email, click “Send Preview”, and view in your organiser master email address.
    2. To finalise your email for sending, select the checkbox “Activate to send” and select your audience under “Audience”.

  1. Click ”Save” and view all scheduled emails in the “Outbox” tab on the main Email Centre page.

  1. Once sent the email will appear in the “Sent” tab, where you can view the sent date and amount of people the email has reached.
  2. Click on the pencil icon to edit your email.

  1. If you want to save your email as a draft, do not select the “Activate tickets” checkbox and then click “Save”. All draft emails can be viewed in the “Drafts” tab on the main Email Centre page.

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