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Traffic & Tracking - What is the "Traffic & Tracking" tool?

This feature provides event organisers with comprehensive insights into their event's web traffic sources, campaign performance, and sales conversion metrics. It allows monitoring of page views, visitors, transactions, and tickets sold from an overview dashboard. Organisers can dive deeper into traffic origins like referrers, marketing campaigns, and channels. They can also create trackable campaign links to attribute traffic and sales. The tool offers advanced options to analyse checkout drop offs as well.

  1. Click on your event on your Organiser Dashboard
  2. Click the tile called Traffic & Tracking
  3. In this tile you can view all recent pages and unique views, along with corresponding sales (the number of transactions) and tickets sold.

Traffic & Sales

The 'Traffic & Sales' tab gives you a full overview of your event’s activity (visually and the number of Page Views, Unique Views, Sales & Tickets Sold). You can select a specific date range by using the ‘From’ and ‘To’ selections.

Note - You can only view dates ranges of 90 days or less.

Source & Conversions

Find out more detailed information about where your page views and sales are coming from by clicking the ‘Sources & Conversions’  tab at the top of the graph.

Here you’ll see a table with a number of columns which detail:

  • Referrer - the website from where the activity originated
  • Campaign - the name given to the activity
  • Source - the name given to the channel where the activity originated
  • Medium - the type of activity the link was contained in
  • Content - an advanced option for differentiating and AB testing
  • Term - an advanced option for including specific keywords

  1. The columns that follow detail the specific number from each corresponding referrer:

  • Hits - clicks
  • Widget - clicks generated by the Embed Widget
  • Unqs - Unique clicks
  • Sales - transactions
  • Tickets - total tickets sold

Top Tip - Use the filter button to view the details for any specific type of activity.

If you want to view the statistics of customer’s dropping off before purchasing tickets, select the checkbox “Display checkout dropoff stats (advanced)”.

Campaign Shortlinks

To ensure that your activity features in this table, go to the ‘Campaign Shortlinks’ to create your links.

  1. Click the ‘Add Shortlink’ button and fill out the fields in the pop-out window, following the instructions provided.
  2. Top tip - be consistent with the selection of your campaign name and source & medium titles so activity is effectively tracked.
  3. Once completed, click ‘Create Tracking Link’ and your short link will be available in the table.
  4. Repeat this as many times as necessary and copy the shortlink URL into your social channels, emails or event website to track your events digital activity.

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