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SEO & Sharing - How do I use "SEO & Sharing"?

The SEO & Sharing section allows you to optimise your event's online visibility and discoverability through search engines and social sharing. Key capabilities include:

- Adding performers/artists to improve event search results

- Controlling whether your event is publicly discoverable or private

- Creating a short URL for sharing on Twitter/SMS

- Enabling social media share buttons on the event page  

- Optimising SEO meta data like title, description, keywords, images

- Categorising your event type for better Google presentation

- Adding tracking IDs for Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel

By utilising these SEO & Sharing tools, you can enhance your event's online presence, make it easier for audiences to find and share your listings, and gain valuable tracking insights - all key for maximising your event's visibility and reach.

  1. Click on the “Events” button on the left hand main panel.
  2. Click “Dashboard”.
  3. Click “All” and then “SEO & Sharing”.

Artists & Groups

  1. Adding performers or groups to your event in the “Artists & Groups” tabs can help customers find your event through Google search results.
  2. Just select the type of ”Person” or “Performing Group” from the dropdown box and type their name in the text box. Finally, click “Add”.
  3. Your Artist/Groups name will now appear on the right hand-side. Repeat this action to add as many names as you wish.

URL and Discovery


If you want your event to show in search engine (e.g Google) results and to the public, select the checkbox to be “discoverable”. Then click “Save”.

If you want to keep your event private (can only be accessed via the URL), please skip this option.

Post-Event View

  1. When your event has no remaining dates, it can still be accessible to customers. This is helpful to maintain SEO and to prevent broken external links.
  2. If you choose to turn this feature off (by selecting the checkbox titled “Event page viewable without dates”), visitors will be redirected to your organiser page when there are no active dates.

Short URL

  1. You can create a short URL for twitter and for SMS communications
  2. Type your URL ending to the event. If the event URL is available it will display as available with a tick
  3. Once you are satisfied with the event click “Save”.Note - You can only register one short URL per event.

Social media share buttons

  1. If you would like visitors to your event page to share it to their social media, select the checkbox “Display share buttons” to display on your event’s public page.


  1. To optimise your events search visibility on Google, add event Meta data to your event’s SEO tab.
  2. Your event description and event description will already be used as your event’s Meta Title and Meta Description, but you can edit it here as well.
  3. Add Meta Keywords to help search engine categories in your event webpage. Note - When you add the keywords, type a comma separated list.
  4. You can add a Meta Image when you link your event webpage to a social media post.
  5. If you wish you can also add your event type to help Google categorise and present your event better. Just choose the correct event type from the menu and click “Save”.


  1. The tracking tab allows you to add your Google Analytics ID and Facebook Pixel Tracking ID so the data can display in Traffic & Tracking on your event dashboard.  
  2. Add your IDs and click “Save”.
  3. Native tracking is always included in your event to track visitors, referrals and sales which can also be viewed on the Traffic & Tracking section.

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