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Waiting List - What is the “Waiting List” feature?

This feature allows users to subscribe to receive notifications if tickets become available for a sold-out event. Organisers can choose to restrict ticket sales only to those on the waiting list who have been notified, or open sales back up to the general public. This feature helps organisers handle demand for limited ticket inventory and give those on the waiting list the first opportunity to purchase newly released tickets.

  1. Click on the Events button on the main left hand panel
  2. Click on the Dashboard of your event
  3. Click the Waiting List tile
  4. Under the “Activate Tab” you will see these options.
    1. Number of Subscribers
    2. Activate - Allow customers to subscribe to a waiting list when the event is sold out. Tick this box to activate your waiting list.
    3. Restrict Ticket Sales - Restrict all ticket sales to waiting list subscribers who have been notified. Tick this box if you want tickets to be available only for those who have been notified using the Notify Feature (tickets would not be available for those who are not subscribed i.e general public).

NOTE: If you untick this box then re-tick it again you will get this warning box:

                You are turning on "Restrict Access".

Only people who have subscribed to your waiting list and that you have notified (using the Notify feature) will be able to purchase tickets, until this option is disabled. General members of the public will not be able purchase tickets.

  1. Click either Cancel or Confirm
  2. The blue banner at the top will say “Waiting List Updated”
  3. If you disable this button, then tickets will be available for everyone including the general public.

Send Reminder Emails - Send emails at 9AM and 6PM. Reminder emails will be sent to you at 9AM and 6PM while ticket sales have been restricted.

  1. The next tab is called “Email Users” (You should consider sending the email after you add tickets to an event that previously had none available)
    1. Tickets Available (How many tickets are available for the event)
    2. Number of subscribers (How many people have joined the waiting list for the event)
  1. To keep these settings, click Save at the bottom of the page under “Activate”
  2. When your event sells out, a “Join the waiting list” button will display on the ticket widget to which users can subscribe to the waiting list. They will then receive an email notifying them that they have successfully subscribed to the waiting list.
  3. If the user decides they want to unsubscribe from your events waiting list, they can click the link at the bottom of the email.
  4. When the tickets for the event are sold out, the “Email users” tab will display with a message you cannot email your waiting list users.
  5. You can notify your waiting list when tickets have become available
  6. If tickets become available, a blue banner will appear with “let your subscribers know” that more tickets are available. You should consider doing this when the tickets are available in real time
  7. You will see how many tickets are available and the number of subscribers that are on the waiting list.
  8. Use the sliding scale to pick who in particular (if any) you would like to notify. This feature will appear when there are at least 4 subscribers to the waiting list. When you notify some of them together rather than individually you will get the green banner saying:
    1. An email was sent out to the users you selected from your waiting list with a link to your event page.
  1. Your waiting list will show a list of people subscribed regardless of if there are any tickets available or not
  2. You can see when users joined the waiting list
  3. You can also click on individual customers to notify them only. Click the blue “Notify” box. The “notified on” column will show when they were notified.
  4. Your subscriber(s) will receive an email notification with a link to your event page to buy the available tickets. Everyone you notified on the waiting list will receive the same notification letting them know that tickets are now available and they can go to the website to buy a ticket.
  5. Note: if you have unticked the box “Restrict Ticket Sales” under the Activate Tab, then this means that when tickets become available, everyone on the waiting list will receive the same notification letting them know that tickets are now available and the tickets will also be available to the general public to buy if they happen to be on the website at the same time.
  6. You can also re-notify a subscriber even if you already have notified them. Once notified, the button on the right of their name on the list will say “Re-Notify”.

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